Forget Me Not Native Wildlflower Seed
Forget Me Not Native Wildlflower Seed
Other names: mouse-ear, scorpion grass
An instantaneously recognisable wildflower, creating an ethereal carpet of blue.
Symbolising eternal love and devotion or a story of unrequited love. Whatever your tale, forget me nots hark back to a by-gone era, knights in shining armour, wars waged over love and jousting competitions just to win some attention. Now its all online dating, friends with benefits and splitting the bill.
Saying that, invading and conquering can get a little tedious as well as being rather time consuming. If you want to gain affection scatter some of these. Wait a couple of months, pick up a couple and huzzah, a true romantic, a modern day knight in shining armour.
Though it doesn’t always have to be about romance, forget me nots are the perfect addition for the shadier parts of the garden that come back year after year serving as a reminder that we love you.
How to Plant
Cheap and Easy Method:
Scatter the seeds directly onto bare soil. Clear the area of any debris and lightly rake the soil to create a loose surface. Evenly broadcast the seeds, then lightly rake again to ensure good seed-to-soil contact.
More Involved Method:
Use a terram membrane to suppress unwanted vegetation. Add a layer of soil over the membrane, sow the seeds evenly, and press them in gently.
When to Plant
Plant Forget Me Not seeds in the autumn (September to November) or early spring (March to May).
Where to Plant
Forget Me Nots prefer shaded or partially shaded areas with well-drained soil.
Watering Schedule
Maintain consistent moisture in the soil during the establishment phase. Once established, minimal watering is required.
Blooming Period
Forget Me Nots bloom from spring to early summer (April to June).
Expected Plant Height
Forget Me Nots typically grow to a height of 15 cm to 30 cm.
No Grow No Fee
Minimum of 2 years post sowing before claim can be made.
Your seeds arrived promptly, and I planted them in the dusk after my little robin companion had gone to roost. I look forward to seeing how beautifully they grow in the spring!
I’m delighted to discover this company, that I will use from now on. Very pleased with the information provided, the packaging and the ethos of what they’re doing for our environment. Of course, I now need to wait for my seeds to grow so perhaps I can post a picture of the results.
Would buy again