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Seed Revolution

Coastal Landscapes 100% Wild Flower Mix

Coastal Landscapes 100% Wild Flower Mix

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Specially designed for those with sea views. You need flowers that have a bit of grit and aren’t going to get blown away the next time a bellowing mistral passes through. 

We’ve put together a roll call of sea-hardy flowers that are certain to add beauty to any coastal landscape.

How to Plant

Cheap and Easy Method:

For a quick and cost-effective approach, simply scatter the seeds directly onto bare soil. This method requires minimal preparation but has a lower success rate as it heavily relies on natural conditions being favourable. Clear the area of any debris and lightly rake the soil to create a loose surface. Evenly broadcast the seeds across the soil, then lightly rake again to ensure good seed-to-soil contact.

More Involved Method:

For better results, especially in areas with aggressive weeds or where the soil may be particularly challenging, consider using a terram membrane. This method involves laying a terram membrane over the planting area to suppress unwanted vegetation. Over this membrane, add a layer of calcareous soil, which is naturally rich in calcium carbonate and suitable for coastal conditions. Sow the seeds evenly across the soil surface and gently press them in to ensure good contact. This method, while more expensive and labour-intensive, greatly enhances the likelihood of establishing a vibrant and sustainable meadow.

Why Choose a 100% Flower Mix:

A 100% wild flower mix differs significantly from an 80/20 wild flower grass mix. In a 100% flower mix, all the seeds are from wild flowers, resulting in a meadow densely packed with colourful and diverse flowering plants. This is ideal for creating a visually stunning display and providing a rich habitat for pollinators such as bees and butterflies. In contrast, an 80/20 mix includes 80% wild flowers and 20% grasses. This blend is beneficial for establishing a more balanced ecosystem, as the grasses provide structural support and habitat for various insects and wildlife, and help to stabilize the soil. However, for pure floral beauty and higher pollinator support, a 100% flower mix is preferred.

When to Plant

The optimal time to plant your Coastal Landscapes 100% Wild Flower Mix is in the spring (March to May) or early autumn (September to early October). These periods offer the best temperatures and adequate moisture levels for seed germination and root establishment.

Where to Plant

This mix is specifically designed to thrive in coastal landscapes, which often feature sandy, well-drained soils and exposure to salty air and wind. Choose a location that mimics these natural coastal habitats, ensuring the site is open to full sunlight with good air circulation. Such conditions not only mirror the native environments of these plants but also help prevent the onset of diseases that thrive in more enclosed spaces.

Watering Schedule

Coastal areas can be naturally moist from local climate conditions, but during dry spells, it is essential to maintain a consistent moisture level until the plants are well established. Water the seeds gently to prevent erosion of the soil and displacement of the seeds. Once established, the plants typically require minimal additional watering due to their natural adaptation to the coastal environment.

Blooming Period

The wildflowers in your Coastal Landscapes 100% Wild Flower Mix will generally bloom from late spring through late summer, approximately from May to August. The exact timing can vary based on regional climate specifics and yearly weather variations.

Expected Plant Height

The wildflowers in this mix typically range in height from 20 cm to about 1 metre. This variation allows for a textured, dynamic appearance that provides depth and interest, while also supporting a diverse range of wildlife and pollinators.

What you get

Wildflowers Included in the Mix

  • Birdsfoot Trefoil (Lotus corniculatus)
  • Black Medick (Medicago lupulina)
  • Bladder Campion (Silene vulgaris)
  • Bulbous Buttercup (Ranunculus bulbosus)
  • Common Knapweed (Centaurea nigra)
  • Common St John's Wort (Hypericum perforatum)
  • Common Toadflax (Linaria vulgaris)
  • Cowslip (Primula veris)
  • Field Forget-Me-Not (Myosotis arvensis)
  • Field Scabious (Knautia arvensis)
  • Hoary Plantain (Plantago media)
  • Lady’s Bedstraw (Galium verum)
  • Meadow Buttercup (Ranunculus acris)
  • Ox-Eye Daisy (Leucanthemum vulgare)
  • Ribwort Plantain (Plantago lanceolata)
  • Rough Hawkbit (Leontodon hispidus)
  • Sainfoin (Onobrychis viciifolia)
  • Self-Heal (Prunella vulgaris)
  • Sorrel (Rumex acetosa)
  • Vetch ( Vicia sativa)
  • Viper's Bugloss (Echium vulgare)
  • White Campion (Silene latifolia)
  • Wild Carrot (Daucus carota)
  • Wild Mignonette (Reseda lutea)
  • Yarrow (Achillea millefolium)
  • Yellow Rattle (Rhinanthus minor)
No Grow No Fee

Minimum of 2 years post sowing before claim can be made.

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