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'Love Blooms Eternal' Native Wild Flower pack

'Love Blooms Eternal' Native Wild Flower pack

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Here’s an idea... let’s not destroy everything. Instead, let’s protect something. Save something. Grow something. Scatter these seeds. Save bees. Spread the wild.

Each pack can fit easily inside a card without having to go up a stamp size, so it’s easy to share the message of revolution.

Great as nature friendly wedding favours, teachers’ gifts, birthday pressies, secret Santa, Valentine, or just a way to spread some love.

British Native Origin Wildflower Mixture directly harvested from a Dorset wild flower meadow.

How to Plant

Cheap and Easy Method: For a quick and cost-effective approach, simply scatter the seeds directly onto bare soil. This method requires minimal preparation but has a lower success rate as it relies heavily on natural conditions. Clear the area of any debris and lightly rake the soil to create a loose surface. Evenly broadcast the seeds across the soil, then lightly rake again to ensure good seed-to-soil contact.

More Involved Method: For better results, especially in areas prone to aggressive weeds, use a terram membrane. This method involves laying a terram membrane over the planting area to suppress weed growth. On top of the membrane, add a layer of calcareous soil, which is rich in calcium and ideal for many wildflowers. Sow the seeds evenly across the soil surface and gently press them in to ensure good contact. This method is more expensive and labour-intensive but significantly increases the likelihood of a successful and vibrant meadow.

When to Plant

The best time to plant your meadow mix is in the spring (March to May) or autumn (September to October). These periods provide ideal temperatures and moisture conditions for seed germination and establishment.

Where to Plant

Choose an open, sunny location with well-drained soil. Meadow wildflowers thrive in areas with full sun and minimal shade. Avoid spots prone to waterlogging, as this can hinder seed germination and plant growth.

Watering Schedule

During the initial establishment phase, keep the soil consistently moist but not waterlogged. Water gently to avoid displacing seeds. Once the seedlings are established, they will require minimal watering, relying mostly on natural rainfall. However, during prolonged dry periods, occasional watering may be necessary to maintain healthy growth.

Blooming Period

Your meadow mix will bloom from late spring through summer, typically from May to August. This period may vary slightly depending on local climate conditions and the specific wildflowers in the mix.

Expected Plant Height

The wildflowers in your meadow mix will vary in height, typically ranging from 20 cm to 1 metre. This diverse range adds visual interest and supports a variety of pollinators and wildlife.

What you get

Wildflowers Included in the Mix

  • Agrimony (Agrimonia eupatoria)
  • Birdsfoot Trefoil (Lotus corniculatus)
  • Black Knapweed (Centaurea nigra)
  • Black Medick (Medicago lupulina)
  • Flax (Linum usitatissimum)
  • Hayrattle (Rhinanthus minor)
  • Hoary Plantain (Plantago media)
  • Lady’s Bedstraw (Galium verum)
  • Meadow Buttercup (Ranunculus acris)
  • Red Clover (Trifolium pratense)
  • Ribwort Plantain (Plantago lanceolata)
  • Sea Carrot (Daucus carota ssp. gummifer)
  • Self-Heal (Prunella vulgaris)
  • Spotted Medic (Medicago arabica)
  • Stitchwort (Stellaria holostea)
  • Vetch (Vicia sativa)

Grasses Included in the Mix

  • Crested Dogstail (Cynosurus cristatus)
  • Cocksfoot (Dactylis glomerata)
  • Fescues (Festuca spp., including Festuca ovina for sheep's fescue and Festuca rubra for red fescue)
  • Meadow Grass (Poa pratensis)
  • Meadow Barley (Hordeum secalinum)
  • Yellow Oat Grass (Trisetum flavescens)
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Customer Reviews

Based on 3 reviews
Ruth Hughes
Arrived quickly

Not much to say as I've only just sown them.

Georgia Mancroft
I LOVE these seeds

I love these seed packets. I used the Christmas themed ones instead of Christmas cards to send to my friends. Such a thoughtful thank you present too - a bunch of flowers that keep on blooming. Can’t wait to plant in my flower boxes on my balcony too.

Perfect for mothers day!

My daughter bought some of these for mother's day. Happy Mum!!! thank you xx